Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Secret to Surviving New Years

If it seems a bit odd that I'm offering tips about New Years in January, bear with me. I've just stumbled upon some vital information for your everyday life. light up bracelets; they're not just for clubs anymore. Back in the dark ages of partying, if you needed to navigate the party space in the middle of the night, say to locate the deck for some...fresh air, your only hope was to use your phone as a flashlight. Only, you last saw your phone three drinks ago when you took that pic of your co-worker doing a keg stand. As for where it is now, you couldn't begin to guess. So, what to do? You have three options; 1. Stay where you are, crunched in the corner under the SpongeBob SquarePants sunggie, between the guy in the Cupid suit (remember, this is a New Years party) and the girl wearing only sparkle leggings and High School Musical underwear, 2. Disentangle yourself from these classic revelers and stumble and grope your way towards your destination (this promises to lead to a few awakard moments), or 3. Before you "sunggie-down", make sure you're wearing at least one light up bracelet, more if you can swing it. This simple party tool, once only used to fill the darkness with pretty colors, should become one of your "drunk essentials". This handy fashion statement can guide you effortlessly (or, about as effortlessly as your flashlight phone). Through the throng of passed out individuals who are going to regret those fireball and vodka mixers in the not to distant future, to the party patio, or wherever your final destination may be.

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