Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rapunzel Doesn't Get the Corner Office This is the link to a former Go Fund Me page for a woman who is seeking reimbursement for lottery tickets. While I have a lot of issues with this story, the biggest is the woman's name: Cinnamon Nicole. Now, I'm all for quirky names (my name is Mar-li so I pretty much have to be) but cinnamon? Really?? Sigh. Look people, you don't have to act on every thing that runs through your mind. For example; in keeping with my Disney obsession, I often flirt with the idea of naming my future daughter Rapunzel. Rapunzel is in my top four fav Disney princesses (the other three being Ariel, Jasmine, and, of course, Elsa). Also, I like the sound of it. It's musical and quirky, kind of like me. It would be so fun to have a daughter named Rapunzel. But then I think about her. What would be the ramifications of giving a child a name like Rapunzel? Kids would tease her. Yeah, but kids are terrible, they may tease her for all sorts of reasons. But, what about when she gets older? If she decides to become an artist (or a writer) a name like Rapunzel is probably fine, it might even be helpful, but if she wants to be something like, say, a district attorney, then being named after a cartoon character might be a bit of a hindrance. I mean, can you imagine a prosecutor named Rapunzel? What if she wants to be a judge? The honorable judge Rapunzel? Yeah, I don't think so. People named Rapunzel don't get the corner office. Is it fair that people are judged by their names? Of course not, but when, exactly, did life become fair?? So, I think I'm going to do my future daughter a favor and leave Rapunzel where it belongs, in Disney. Of course, if she's born with magical hair, all bets are off.

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