Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Whole New World

Her kisses are short and simple...Rapunzel thinks it's a nice feeling and she enjoys it. But it never occurs to her there might be something more to it than that...And suddenly, she gets it. It's like the shock she felt when she realized she was the princess...the feeling that she's on fire as he sucks and nibbles at her neck and runs a hand up her thigh
I'm lying on my bed, reading Tangled fan fiction (yes, I know, pathetic) when I read that line
and suddenly, she gets it
and I read it over and over because, and I can't believe I'm going to admit this, I relate to it. I, at 33, am apparently on the same sexual level as a 16 year old because I am relating to a sexualized version of a Disney movie. Ugh! Perhaps I should start at the beginning; recently I've started seeing someone and we spent the weekend in DC where, suddenly I got it (pun most definitely intended 😉). Mind you, I was married for seven years and never experienced anything like this. I guess I was one of those wives men complain about, you know, once you get married the sex stops. Only in didn't stop, I just didn't enjoy it. I thought it was me. Then I met Teddy (obviously not his real name) and discovered something's not me!
Then the next step is touching above the waist...I wouldn't call it a step, it's not like you do one thing then move onto the next, not unless it's really boring. It can be boring? Rapunzel askes, her eyes wide. She can't imagine that being possible.
More from the fanfic. Again I can relate only I had the opposite problem; I couldn't imagine it being exciting. Apparently I was wrong, skin tingling, hear-stoppingly, mind blowingly wrong...

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