Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Whatever, I'm Getting Cheese Fries

Oh to be young again; to experience the thrill of a night out. To feel the bass pulsating through you as you push your way through the crowd, overpriced drink spilling all over you (and everyone else) is...insanity. What about this am I supposed to enjoy again? These days my ideal night out is a coconut margarita (or two or three) at my local Mexican place and the only reason to push my way through a crowd is to get home to my cat. So it went one night in Mystic, CT... My cousin Teri is getting married and, as such, a group of us ladies dutifully trooped to that mecca for bachelorette parties...Mystic, CT. Now, a sleepy coastal town doesn't seem like the place to find a raucous party, but there we were. All the aformentioned tomfoolery expected at an event that is supposed to symbolize a woman's last chance at freedom (or whatever, I was in it for the shiny pink swag bag) was present and accounted for on our night on the town; with a drunk Rapunzel wannabe (ugh, seriously, there's only room for one real life Disney Princess lady; and I already have the job) thrown in as a bonus! So, what to do when you realize you're more vanilla bean than rocky road? Grab ice cream and run for the hills of course! Which is exactly what happened. Except the "ice cream" was cheese fries (which is interesting considering of the three people involved, one is allergic to dairy and another (me) hates cheese with a passion) which became the deciding factor in ditching a night of debauchery (or what passes for it in a sleepy coastal town) for a Crime Scene Kitchen (new TV obsession) marathon. It goes something like this: Me: "Yea clubbing! What fun!!" Person One: "Yeah. What fun?" Me: "No idea. My idea of fun is Crime Scene Kitchen. But what do I know, I'm 40. I'm Old." Person Two: "What's Crime Scene Kitchen?" Me: "Best show ever! Plus, no drunkin Rapunzel doing a Willow Smith impresson to deal with!" Person One: "That's worth the price of admission alone." Person Two: "Are there cheese fries?" Me: "Would you like it if there were cheese fries?" Yes, she would very much like it if there were cheese fries (she literaly had a shirt that said so). And so it went that we traded carousing for cheese fries. And Crime Scene Kitchen. And Quiet.


  1. OMG! that's too funny. I know you hate cheese, which I had that problem I love cheese fries! I never liked clubbing even when I was younger, way too loud and disorienting. Well written and brilliant as always. if I ever get married again, my idea of a bachelorette party is inviting you and some other close friends and having margaritas and Mexican food. Keep up the great work!
