Sunday, October 11, 2020

Falling In Love Again....

One night, last March, this guy suggested we go back to his place. It was St. Patrick's Day and we'd had *a bit to drink.* It was also only our second date and this man was my supervisor.... When we got to his apartment he flipped on the TV. George Went's girth filled the screen. You know, Norm from Cheers. He played the main villian in my favorite episode of Columbo. Which, oddly enough, I spent a portion of our evening talking about. Specifically I described my favorite scene: Norm; a gangster who killed two people (one of whom being his brother), has been lured to a restaurant under the pretense of meeting with Lt. Columbo. Turns out Norm's murderous activities have drawn the ire of another gangster. A more powerful one with much greater resources. Norm sits at a table for hours, trying unsuccessfully to drown his anxiety with scotch and soda (easy on the soda). It becomes increasingy obvious that the meeting is a trap and Norm is in serious trouble.... I stood there, transfixed, as I watched the TV screen. I couldn't believe I was watching the very episode I had described only hours before. I actually accused Graham of somehow facilitating this. A year and a half later, I'm only 90% sure he didn't. Why am I telling you this? Well, aside from the fact that I have nothing better to do than ramble about the randomness of my life (and, apparently Pat has nothing better to do than read it) I was flipping channels the other night and what did I find? You guessed it, Norm! and, just like that, the memory of that night came flooding back. Cheers!


  1. Are you sure Graham didn't orchestrate the Columbo episode? Just kidding, sounds like a great second date. You deserve love and happiness and everything as amazing and beautiful as you.
