Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Live, learn...and then get loves

Remember that diaper commercial: live, learn, and then get Loves? Turns out this makes an excellent life motto. If you're me. Case in point; the issue of trust. Notice how people seem to be a lot less trusting these days?? It's as if everyone became bitter and cynical. More likely they grew up. The simple fact is you cannot live in this world without becoming a bit jaded. (Well, you can but I imagine it takes an awful lot of medication) now, this is not to suggest that you should go through life darkning every doorway with negativity; that will litteraly kill you (or motivate someone else to do it). Rather, trust but verify. If you are job searching and you come across anything promising you thousands of dollars a week, skip it! Unless you want to spend that money on therapy for whatever you had to do to get that money in the first place. If someone hurts/ignores/belittles you more that once, drop them like the bad habit they are. This includes bosses and family members. Your bruised heart/psyche is life's way of telling you it's time for a change. Live, learn, and then get loves... Facebook. That vortex of bravado, emotion, and, more often than not, flat out crazy, where a seemingly innocent comment or like can ignite a firestorm. It's not a broken heart or a bad day that teaches you to build a wall between you and the rest of society, it's Facebook. live, learn, change your privacy settings, and then get loves... There is no such thing as a free lunch. At all. Freebies on the internet? No problem! Have the rest of your life to fill out surveys? We've all been there; we see the free Starbucks. We want the free Starbucks. We click to get the free Starbucks and we get...thrown down a rabbit, learn, and then...

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