Sunday, October 25, 2020

Disney Heels and Pat Shout Outs...Redux

Well, it's finally happened. The. Shoes. Are. Here! By now I hope you aren't thinking 'what shoes?' THE SHOES. Ask Pat, he knows. For those of you just joining us, I've been on a mission to own a pair of ice cream shoes; that is, shoes designed like ice cream cones, sundaes, etc. Why? I'll say it again, they're ice. cream. shoes.. And, courtesy of Sweet Feets Treats on Etsy, they're mine, all mine (insert evil laugh here). They are everything I've dreamed of in every way save one; I can't wear them to Yorktown's final class this Thursday. It's a toy store themed virtual escape room and I've obtained the absolute perfect dress; white with glitter strawberries. Glitter strawberries, people! These shoes would be the perfect complement, except for the fact that I'm stuck in Zoome-ville and the kids wouldn't be able to see them. Ugh, why is life so unfair? (#firstworldproblems). The first thing I did when these shoes arrived was post pics on Instagram...who am I kidding? The first thing I did was prance around my apartment, grinning like the crazy woman I truly am. The second thing I did was post pics o Instagram, which garnered some interesting results; a friend of mine asked where he could get a male version (since the shop owner is happy to customize shoes, I'll include the link again here in the event he's serious about this. Which he should be). But, my favorite response by far was from my cousin Teri who asked if I bought them for Halloween. Oh Teri. You'd think after 30 years you'd know. I didn't buy ice cream shoes for Halloween, I bought them because I'm princess Mar-li. And I really, really needed ice cream shoes.

1 comment:

  1. Ice cream shoes, what a beautiful concept! I want cat earrings as well as cupcake earrings. Oh, and how can we forget the ones shaped like waffles? Which I didn't even know they made. I do now, courtesy of you, Kitty. Thanks, I would wear my ice cream shoes anyway if I were you. So what if the kids can't see them? You know they're on your feet.
